Notable characteristics: Bright red flowers on erect stems make an eye catching addition to a sunny spot of the garden. As the flowers age, they gently change to a soft pink color, for a surprising finish. Wonderful glossy green foliage looks good all season. This is an excellent landscape plant that requires no staking.
Cultivar group, hybridizer and year introduced: Hybrid group, Falk-Glasscock, 1956.
Growth habit and size at maturity: Upright, grows to 3' tall and 3.5' wide. Very good stem strength.
Flower form and size: Single, 5-6" and upward facing. Excellent variety for landscape planting or cut flowers.
Flower fragrance: Light, sweet.
Bloom time: Mid-season hybrid peony, blooms in our USDA zone 6a garden in the last week of May.
Plant Size: Field dug, bare root plant, 4-5 'eyes' with proportional roots. Ready to plant this spring. Good chance to see a bloom this year, though it will produce more in the second year.
Zone hardiness: Proven in USDA zones 3-9.
When we ship: FALL 2024.