Vaccinium x 'Misty'
A perfect compliment to 'Sunshine Blue', this Southern Highbush variety thrives as a beautiful evergreen bush, about 5' tall, not only in the South but along the west coast to the Canadian border. The bright blue-green foliage provides a perfect contrast to the hot pink spring flowers and the sky blue, sweet and spicy fruit. Ripens early-midseason.
Although known for its regular and abundant yields, you'll get even better production when planted with another variety. Hardiness to zero degrees F, a very low chilling requirement of only 150 chilling hours and a tolerance for higher pH soils makes this a perfect choice for USDA Zones 6-9.
USDA Zone: 6-9
Mature Height: 5' (Medium)
Sun: Full Sun
Ripening Time: Early/Mid: Late July - Early August
Pollination: Partially Self Fertile
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